28th Exhibition of Modern Art and Contemporary ArtePadova 10 to 13 November 2017
The next event where two canvases will be displayed, CLEPSYDRA and NO COLOR BESIDES YOURS, works with European fashion, after the last exhibition in Frankfurt , they return to Italy to be exhibited at Arte Padova 2017.
In the exhibition context of Arte Padova, at the twenty-eighth edition, curator Sabrina Falzone proposes 12 European artists at the section dedicated to the new talents.
There are not many, in our country, the “qualified” spaces dedicated to the valorisation of living contemporary artists, but in Arte Padova this is possible.
The stable of the artists represented by Sabrina Falzone, present for seven years at the fair in Padua, is located at the first pavilion, including works by authors such as Luca Marchetti-L Art.
The work
No color besides yours: has a format cm 100×70, pieces 5.
Iter of the work
Mostra Tracce 2011, a Narni; 17° Fiera internazionale d’arte Art Innsbruck, Febbraio 2013; Mostra Christmas Exhibition, Bologna 2015; Paulskirche, Francoforte 2017.
The artist’s thoughts on the work
There are beings who can eclipse everything else around them, souls full of vital light..
Clepsydra has a format cm 100×70, pieces 7.
Iter of the work
Mostra Tracce 2011, Narni; 17° Fiera internazionale d’arte Art Innsbruck, Febbraio 2013; Mostra Christmas Exhibition, Bologna 2015; Paulskirche, Francoforte 2017.
The artist’s thoughts on the work
Time has many facets, spiritual changes that improve in one direction and vary in proportions worsen in the physical aspect. . . But not the soul
Photos of the fair
Padova Fiere
Via Niccolò Tommaseo, Padova
Padiglione 1, Stand n° 98
Open to the public 10 to 13 November 2017,
Hours: Fri-Sat-Sun 10: 00-20: 00
Mon 10: 00-13: 00
Vernice on invitation Thursday, November 9, 2017, 18:00
Some press releases event
Nel contesto fieristico di Arte Padova, giunto alla ventottesima edizione, la curatrice Sabrina Falzone propone 12 artisti selezionati su scala europea per la sezione dedicata ai nuovi talenti. Non sono molti, nel nostro Paese, gli spazi “qualificati” dedicati alla valorizzazione degli artisti contemporanei viventi, ma ad Arte Padova questo è possibile… Leggi il pdf .
© Sabrina Falzone